Tuesday, August 10, 2010


                                        Today we are going to prepare a famous Asian appetizer ........'Chicken spring roll' which is very crispy........ wrapping a combination of chicken and other vegetable stuff in it......its soo yummy that you can feel the crispyness outside and softness inside the roll....lets get started with this..

Ingredients :
         10    spring roll wrappers
         350 gms   Boneless chicken
         2              Eggs
         1              Boiled egg
         1tbs         Chilli powder
         1/2tbs      Salt
         Pinch  of  Tasting salt
        1/2ts         Gingergarlic paste
        2 tbs         Cornflour
        1/2tbs       Flour
        1 tbs        Soya sauce
        1 tbs       Chilli sauce
       1/2 tbs      Tomato ketchup
       1/2 tbs      Vinegar
       1              Onion (Slices)
        1/2          Tomato(Slices ..be sure to use hard outer part so u can avoid juice)
        2             Green chillies (chopped)
        1             Carrot           (Sliced)

    Preparation :
  • Cut the chicken pieces into small pieces(marble sized) and to this add salt ,gingergarlic paste ,chilli powder ,tasting salt ,cornflour ,flour ,1 egg and mix well and deep fry immediately till the pieces turns to light brownish colour.
  • Now take a pan and keep 2tbs of oil fry one after other the chopped chillies,sliced onion ,sliced tomato ,very finely sliced carrot......fry them for 2 min
  • Then take a boiled egg ...cut it into half and remove the yolk part and slice the white part of the egg.
  • Add this egg white slices to the fry pan ...now put pinch of salt ,soya sauce ,chilli sauce ,tomato ketchup ,vinegar and mix well let it get cook for another 2 min
  • Take a bowl and beat 1 egg in it.
  • Now take a spring roll wrapper and put the chicken stuff in it .....care should be taken while roll so that the stuff doesn't come out...and after rolling stick the ends with egg beat.
  • When you are ready with all the wrappings deep fry them on high flame for 4 min or medium flame for 10 min.
  • Place the rolls on the tissue paper to absorb excess oil.
      Tip :
  • If you like to have the spring rolls more crispy then deep fry the rolls on high flame only ......frying on high flame also absorb less oil.

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